
“Farewell! God knows when we shall meet again.”

And yet another farewell day has come. I can say that this course has contributed a lot to me. I cannot help but say that my dear teacher Gökçe had a special impact on my liking this course. Still, I'm glad I was able to finish this course because I put in a lot of effort and time. Frankly, I don't see much of a weakness in this course. We learned many technological tools for different tasks and produced projects based on integrating them into education to teach students. If we talk about its strengths, I can say that we use more than one technological tool. Artificial intelligence, augmented reality etc. Then we designed a lot of various activities and I'm sure these activities will be very useful in our teaching career. The thing I found easiest while doing homework was using technology. I can say that I am someone familiar with technology. But I had difficulty turning these into homework. The augmented reality assignment was my least favorite assignment because it took t

AI-Integrated Homework for EFL Prep-Schools

 Hello, what is up? I hope you are doing good. In this task, we had to design an artificial intelligence-supported activity with Mehmet Can Alaf . In this task, together with Can, we had to design an activity supported by artificial intelligence. We chose to improve students' writing skills and aimed to use Chatgpt and Bing AI. Frankly, it was one of the activities I enjoyed most while preparing, but it still took me much more time than other assignments. First, Can and I chose the topic. We found it appropriate to focus on students' writing skills. As the title, we chose "Turkish customs and traditions", which is an activity in Intercultural Topics, one of the preparatory books of "MEB." While I prepared the pre and target activities, Can designed the post and instruction part. While we were planning everything, we exchanged a lot of ideas and completed the assignment. I believe that in the future, artificial intelligence will be much more integrated into e

Teaching Through AR/VR

 Hello, again! How is it going? I hope you're all fine. In this blog, I will talk about my experiences about AR/VR integration to English language teaching. For this activity, we collaborated together with Tuğrul Dölen . You can click to his name to go to his blogpost. English language teaching of VR/AR technology was Decently not very difficult for me to incorporate. For the assignment, it was necessary to choose 2 historical sites, 1 museum and 1 local food. We chose New York as the city. Because the city had many places that could be considered very important, and there were plenty of opportunities.When choosing historical sites, we realized that the first 2 places we thought of were very beautiful, so we chose Times Square and the Statue of Liberty. We chose the Met Museum as a museum, which I think was nice. As for food, we preferred the New York-Style Cheesecake, which is also featured in Friends, one of the most popular TV series. We used Canva to make the design. It's a

Present Perfect Tense: But Flipped Classroom

Hello guys, what is up? I hope you guys are doing good. In this blog, I will talk about my experience with flipped classroom. An educational style that involves flipping typical teaching approaches is called the "flipped classroom approach." In a flipped classroom, students study the topic outside of class, frequently using video lectures or other resources. Interactive, group activities, discussions, and knowledge application take place during class time. The goal of this strategy is to make learning more student-centered rather than teacher-centered. Advantages: Individualized Learning: Students can learn at their own pace and revisit materials as needed. Increased Interaction: Classroom time is dedicated to practicing and applying knowledge through activities, fostering engagement. Accessible Resources: Students can access learning materials anytime, anywhere, promoting flexibility. Immediate Feedback: Teachers can address specific student needs during class time, prov

Enhancing Language Skills: A Corpus-Based Approach to Teaching Verb Collocations

Hello everyone, it's been a while since we have last interacted. I hope you guys are doing alright in today's harsh world.  In the dynamic landscape of English language teaching, innovative approaches are essential to engage students effectively. My friend Mustafa Şen  and I have crafted a corpus-based assignment targeting high school preparatory class students with a primary focus on verb collocations. This cutting-edge material aims to achieve several objectives. OBJECTIVES Expand Vocabulary: Students will enhance their vocabulary by acquiring a deeper understanding of verb collocations, enabling them to express themselves more precisely. Improve Language Proficiency: Through practical application and analysis of real language use in diverse contexts, students will develop a heightened proficiency in using verbs appropriately. Cultivate Critical Thinking: The corpus-based assignment encourages students to critically evaluate language patterns, fostering analytical skills esse

It's Not the End :')

  Hey! Welcome again to my blog. I hope you are all fine. This is the final post that I will be writing for this blog :')  I will tell you how my adventure went. When I first heard the name of this course, I thought it would be a similar course to the computer course we took last year. But things weren't like that. In this lesson, our teacher told us how technology can be integrated into English language education, which I have never experienced before.   I have used various tools and programs. I can say that you have added a lot to my technology knowledge. The most important benefit of this course for me was these programs that I learned. For example, I have used the Canva for different purposes in multiple assignments and it has been useful. If we're talking about tasks, not tools, the task I had the most fun doing was making a podcast. When I saw that the options given by my teacher were to prepare songs, I was blown away with happiness. I immediately took my guitar in m

Creating a Digital Poster

  Hey! Welcome again to my blog. I hope you are all fine.   In this study, our teacher asked us to prepare a movie poster for a book, as if it were a movie. So I chose Madonna in a Fur Coat as a book, one of the books that impressed me the most. I used Canva to make the design. As I have experienced from my previous work, Canva was the best choice for me because it is very easy to use and has a great interface. While doing this task, I first looked at the checklist given by my teacher. Actually, I can simply say that I completed the assignment by looking at all these items. Creating the poster was something I had never done before and I had fun. You can click to the photo to visit the website. I would give a similar assignment to my future students because it is both fun to do and I am sure that it will give students a new perspective on students as a design aesthetic. I also think that this task is a task that will further my students' foreign language learning. This was all for t