About Me

Hello there! I'm Ertuğrul. Whoever is reading this, welcome to my blog. It was not in vain that you came to this website. If I had to introduce myself, I am in my early twenties and a student at Marmara University's Department of English Language Teaching. Although I enjoy my department, English language teaching is not my sole passion. One of my favorite things to do, besides teaching English, is to play the guitar and sing. I create my own music and post it on Spotify. You can find me by searching for "Ev Ona Yakıştı" or just click here if you're interested. However, you will find my posts about teaching English on this blog because I started this blog as a result of a course I took at my university. If I enjoy writing, who knows? Maybe I'll write about my other interests in the future.

Be kind to yourself.


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